Palm Beach Equine Crowned 2020 Joe Barry Memorial Champions

January 12, 2020 Polo0

In the second consecutive final and feature Sunday game at the International Polo Club Palm Beach, Palm Beach Equine and Stable Door Polo battled on the U.S. Polo Assn. Field 1, with Palm Beach Equine getting their revenge in the exciting 14-12 victory to capture the Joe Barry Memorial.

©Alex Pacheco

A fast-paced game displaying elite skill, the ball was run from end-to-end in the high scoring game that once again came down to the final chukker. Turning the tables from last week’s Iglehart Cup final, Palm Beach Equine was led by the duo of Gringo Colombres and Gonzalo Ferrari, who both finished with an impressive six goals, and scored the final three goals of the game to conclude a match that saw the lead change hands five times. In the back and forth match, the final lead change occurred in the sixth chukker in favor of Palm Beach Equine, resulting in the thrilling 14-12 victory to capture the second 18-goal final of the season.

©Alex Pacheco

The whistle was barely touched in the first chukker, leaving Palm Beach Equine and Stable Door to set a lightning-quick pace in the opening stages of the game. Lucas Diaz Alberdi opened the scoring for Palm Beach Equine, but Stable Door responded with consecutive goals to finish the chukker, one each from Santino Magrini and Robert Orthwein. In the only foul-ridden chukker of the game, Stable Door Polo converted two penalties, yet Palm Beach Equine restored the tie with accurate shooting from the field, including two goals from Ferrari, leaving the teams deadlocked at 4-4. Behind an organized team attack, Palm Beach Equine strung together four answered goals, the last three all from different players to finish the first half and hold a 7-5 lead.

©Alex Pacheco

The speed on both sides of the ball meant the result was far from over in the open, flowing style of play that was seen throughout the second half. Henry Porter looked to start the comeback effort for Stable Door Polo with his first goal of the game that was quickly followed by a goal from Santino Magrini. However, minor foul trouble resulted in Palm Beach Equine’s first penalty conversion of the game to maintain their two-goal advantage, a lead which they would keep at the conclusion of the fifth chukker. In a flashback of last week’s final, Stable Door Polo rushed out of the gate to begin the final chukker, scoring three straight goals, the last two on penalty conversions from Santino Magrini to retake the lead. Unwilling to have a repeat of the Iglehart Cup final, Palm Beach Equine responded thanks to the play of Colombres. Beginning with a penalty four conversion, Colombres singlehandedly scored three unanswered goals, guiding Palm Beach Equine to the exciting victory and the Joe Barry Memorial title. Resulting from his six-goal performance, Colombres captured Most Valuable Player as well as Best Playing Pony for “Coquito.”

©Alex Pacheco

Earlier in the day, Patagones defeated Santa Clara 13-10 in the Bobby Barry Subsidiary Final on field 5.

©Alex Pacheco

Play continues this week with the start of the Ylvisaker Cup tournament. Eight teams have entered the third 18-goal tournament, with the first match on Wednesday morning between Coca Cola and La Indiana.

Major reporting contributions for this article were received from the International Polo Club in Wellington FL. Please visit or call (561) 204-5687 for more information on the International Polo Club.  ​